Roanoke, VA

Customer Feedback

Thank you for taking a moment to fill out this brief survey. Your responses are very important to us. Our goal is to create a program that is easy to run and creates the highest possible profit for the participants
1. Prior to the start of the sale how would you describe your goal? Click all that apply.
We did not set a specific goal.
We set individual goals.
We set a group sales goal.
We divided the goal into teams/groups/classrooms.

2. Were you successful in reaching these goals?
Yes No N/A

3. You had access to parent letter examples and templates on our website. Did you find these useful?
Yes No Didn't send out letter
4. We provided you with a link to a PDF of the order form to either print out or email to your participants. Did you find this useful?
Yes No Didn't print or send it out
5. You had access to an Excel spreadsheet from our website to tally your order. Did you use this?
Yes No Made my own
6. Did you find the spreadsheet easy to use?
Yes No N/A

Any suggestions to improve the spreadsheet?
7. How would you describe our delivery process? Check all that apply.
Well Organized
On Time
Product (frozen and in good condition)
Delivery person was helpful and knowledgeable

8. We contacted you throughout the sale process. How would you describe this communication?

I was contacted on too many occassions throughout my sale.
The level of communication was appropriate and appreciated.
I felt I could have been contacted more throughout the process.
9. How many pieces did your group sell?
Less than 100
100 - 299
300 - 499
500 - 999
Over 1000
10. How likely are you to run a sale next year?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Very Unlikely
11. We are always trying to improve the program to help groups be successful. Please provide any feedback about changes you would like to see or anything that we can do better.
12. We would like to collect testimonals to use. Would you be willing to provide one about the program, product, or your experience.
13. Please provide your name and group. Optional
First Name
Last Name
Group Type
City, State
14. If you provided a testominal may we use your name? Check all that apply.
First Name
Last Name
City, State
When/Who should we contact for your next fundraiser?
Phone Number
() -
Time Of Year
  I have read the privacy policy*